Let's get to know each other
- BeLeaf
- Let's get to know each other

Get to know BeLeaf S.A.
Passion for planting trees, mission in CO₂ neutralization
We push the boundaries of sustainable development by focusing on planting oxygen trees to effectively neutralize the carbon footprint. Our determination to protect the environment generates innovative solutions, and every action we take is a commitment to creating a better future for our planet.

Our vision
We aim to be a global leader in the ecological revolution, creating a sustainable future through innovative solutions based on planting oxygen trees. Our vision is the perfect harmony between people and the planet, where every step we take is towards environmental protection, inspiring others to take similar actions.
Join us!

Our mission
Our mission is to neutralize the carbon footprint and shape sustainable development by establishing oxygen tree plantations. We aim to transform the way society perceives and engages in environmental protection. We offer solutions that not only benefit the planet but also create new standards of responsible business.

They talk about us
We are proud of our reviews
Thanks to many collaborations and our continuous efforts to achieve our goals, we have gained a huge number of supporters, customers, and investors.
Razem z Panem Michałem Wyszyńskim byliśmy prelegentami na konferencji naukowej w Akademii Tarnowskiej, organizowanej przez NGT – ogrom wiedzy, później posadziliśmy wspólnie drzewo “Phoneix” z Panią rektor na terenie uniwersytetu. Dostaliśmy od firmy Oxygen Forest w prezencie kilka odmian Paulowni do domu – rosną pięknie 🙂
Marzena i Michał – szczęśliwi posiadacze różnych odmian naszych Paulowni w swoim ogrodzie 🙂

Marzena Bac
Pan Michał i Pan Hieronim to prawdziwy ogrom wiedzy, jeśli chodzi o drzewka Paulowni. Nie odpuszczą, dopóki jakość nie będzie na najwyższym poziomie 🙂
Karolina and Jarek, happy owners of a contracted plantation in the Promiechówek municipality

Karolina i Jarek
A company run by people who have extensive experience in the timber business – there are few such experts left in this industry – I highly recommend them!

Jakub Kromka
"BeLeafSA is the BlueTimber family that achieves its ambitious goals with great passion. Delivering results in the timber industry is their daily bread."
Darek, individual investor, organizer of the "Invest Camp" event in the UK

Dariusz Małacha
I'll be brief… In Poland, there are a maximum of 6 people with REAL and effective knowledge in Paulownia cultivation. Four of them work for one company – BeLeaf S.A.
Dawid Rembecki, happy owner of a plantation in Szreńsk.

Dawid Rembecki
Pomimo ogromnej części życia zawodowego w branży rolnej, Paulownia jako roślina nieustannie zaskakuje swoimi właściwościami nawet najbardziej doświadczonych. Praca z ludźmi BeLeaf S.A. nad plantacjami drzew to niekończąca się okazja do rozwoju i samodoskonalenia 🙂
Marek Wierzbicki, agriculture expert, long-time contractor and professional friend

Marek Wierzbicki

Paulownia in Numbers
We present
you the tree of the future

Paulownia grows up to

One tree absorbs annually

The raw material from one tree is
at least

1 hectare of Paulownia annually absorbs at least